Disorders in immune function are a modern day epidemic which manifest as a litany of immune and autoimmune conditions like hypothyroidism, celiac disease, IBD, RA, IBS, and depression. The gut is possibly the most impactful organ influencing the immune system. By understanding how to optimize gut health and gut immune function, we can unlock a powerful method for improving this array of immune and autoimmune conditions. However, what was healthy for our ancestor’s immune systems may not be healthy for a Western immune system. This talk will outline where we should replicate the ancestral environment for optimum immune health, but also where we should make important modifications to better suit the modern-day immune system.
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book, and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
Another listener Questions podcast! Today we will discuss
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book, and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
We have discussed how most cases of sub-clinical hypothyroidism (SCH) do not require treatment with thyroid hormone. However, there is one notable exception – pregnancy. High level scientific evidence suggests that treating SCH can reduce the risk of miscarriage. Let’s discuss.
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book, and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
Depending on who you ask, gluten-free could be described as anything from a fad all the way through an absolute essential. Today we speak with nutritionist Jennifer Fugo for a balanced and practical approach to going gluten-free. Jen also provides some helpful tips for eating out.
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book, and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
You may have heard that “coffee cross-reacts as gluten.” Is this actually true? Well, yes and no. This appears to only be true for instant coffee. Let’s discuss.
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book, and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
This was a fantastic discussion with clinician and researcher in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Dr. Lawrence Afrin. MCAS is something to consider when you haven’t responded to anything else: diet, lifestyle, gut treatments, thyroid…. And, here is the kicker… it doesn’t require extensive lab testing nor expensive treatments for many cases.
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book, and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
We recently discussed a study in which selenium & CoQ10 supplementation reduced cardiovascular death. Today, let’s discuss a follow up analysis that found that this protective effect was only seen in those with a baseline selenium deficiency and what values to look for on your lab work.
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book, and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
Today I had a great conversation with Josh Trent of Wellness Force Radio about how to use technology to improve health. Technology, like tracking apps and wrist devices, can be intimidating and overwhelming. We focused on the simple yet powerful devices and how they can be used to guide awareness and inspire change.
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
The low FODMAP diet can be very helpful for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It has been shown to decrease gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and may also help constipation. Some have expressed concern that a low FODMAP diet decreases intestinal bacteria, which is debatable. However, exciting evidence shows a low FODMAP diet can reduce leaky gut, calm the immune system, and even repair the intestines. Let’s discuss.
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book and more. https://drruscio.com/resources
Another episode of health news reviews, including updates on:
Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book and more. https://drruscio.com/resources/
IBS and SIBO are common and can interfere with quality of life. Symptoms include bloating, abdominal pain, and altered bowel function (constipation or diarrhea). As we are learning more about IBS and SIBO, we are learning that alterations in the intestines may be a cause. Excitingly, recent evidence suggests that certain dietary changes may help repair the intestines in those with IBS and SIBO. Looking for more resources from Dr. Ruscio? Check out our resource page that includes how to become a patient, a free gut health e-book and more. https://drruscio.com/resources/
Today we discuss adrenal testing, mitochondrial health, testosterone, stress, calories, body comp, and much more with Dr. Ben House. Dr. House knows his stuff, and this conversation was extremely insightful.
Exercise has been shown to improve your microbiota, and being sedentary has been shown to have a negative impact on your microbiota. Let’s discuss a recent study which uncovered this, and let’s also discuss how this pertains to testing and weight loss.
We have discussed several examples of how we can make functional medicine more efficient and cost-effective. Oftentimes we look to science to help us understand what testing and treatment is not needed and which ones we should focus on. Today I was very impressed with Menno Henselmans as he outlined how we can do the same thing with rehab for musculoskeletal problems.
Organic acid testing is very popular in some functional medicine circles. I am open to it, but have had some reservations. Dr. Jeff Moss comes on the podcast today to discuss organic acid testing and provides some very important insights that satisfy my reservations and some key insights regarding how and when to use this test.
Today I had a fascinating discussion on why a low lectin diet is the evolution of the gluten-free diet with Dr. Steven Gundry. If you see the plausibility in humans not being ideally suited to digest grains, then you will deeply enjoy this conversation.
Sometimes foods we think are healthy actually harm us. High FODMAP foods are a good example, as they can be harmful for those with IBS and IBD. High oxalate foods can also be a problem and are contained in some seemingly healthy foods. Today we dig into the details regarding oxalates with Sally Norton, who is an authority on this topic.
What do you get when a functional medicine doctor creates a clean pre and post workout supplement line? Well, first you get a good story as to how shady supplement companies can be in trying to add in non-healthy fillers. Second, you get the line that Dr. Gustin has created. Add a few drinks and the funny guys from Mind Pump (Sal, Andrew, and Justin) to this interview and you’ve got one heck of a show! Enjoy!
Today Dr. Leonard Weinstock is back to discuss all things constipation. We go way beyond magnesium, fiber, and vitamin C. This episode digs into what you can do for constipation if some of the basics fail, from the perspective of a practicing holistic MD gastroenterologist.
Today the crew from Mind Pump (Sal, Adam, and Justin) come on the show to discuss dietary and exercise strategies for optimum body composition. This episode was not only funny but very informative, especially if you are struggling to lose that last few pounds.
Health news reviews. Today let’s discuss updates on;
What should you do when you’ve done everything for your constipation but nothing has worked? First, we have to better understand what type of constipation you have, then select from the advanced therapies for your constipation type. These therapies go beyond fiber, probiotics, magnesium, and herbal laxatives. Today I speak with clinician and researcher Dr. Satish Rao to help you understand how to overcome your constipation once and for all.
Today I speak with Dr. Lo about female hormone health. We detail what causes female hormone imbalances, testing to quantify imbalances, and what the available treatment options are.
Today I speak with vegetarian diet advocate Kristie Middleton. I think many of us criticize, or are not welcoming of, a plant-based diet. However, in my continued attempts to be objective, I wanted to give someone from this dietary camp a chance to make their argument.
Today we will cover listener questions, which include antioxidants, gene-tailored diets, joint pain and gut health, hydrogen sulfide SIBO, probiotics during a hospital stay, and more…