The one and only Robb Wolf stops by to talk with Dr. Ruscio. Robb shares valuable information about work he is pioneering at Specialty Health in the areas of cardiac and metabolic health. Dr. Ruscio and Robb also discuss politics and medicine and ways we can improve the state of our current medical system. And of course there is some discussion of the gut and some great banter!
Dr. Ruscio continues his informative series on Thyroid and Iodine with this episode covering thyroid goiters and nodules. He digs into the research on the probable causes, as well as the testing and treatment for each of these conditions.
In this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio, the doc asks the question: "Should you be gluten-free?" There has been a lot of talk lately that gluten-free is the fad and gluten-sensitivity doesn't exist. As usual, the doc has you covered with the science! Dr. Ruscio starts by defining what Non-Celiac Gluetn Sensitivity actually is. Then he selves into what the research says about gluten sensitivity, strategies if you are sluten sensitive, lab tests available for NCGS, and what to do after being exposed to gluten.
An introduction to Dr. Ruscio Radio.
How much vitamin D should you take? Does having higher vitamin D levels lead to better health? In this episode, Dr. Ruscio investigates and explains the science behind vitamin D recommendations. He also answers the questions why taking more vitamin D might not be better and why we should all get out into the sun more often.
In this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio, we bring you Part 2 in a series on Thyroid and Iodine. Dr. Ruscio tackles fluoridated water, treating hypothroidism with iodine, the importance of selenium, his preferred form of iodine, iodine in a healthy diet, what iodine levels look like in the US, and why you might want to try a low iodine diet.
In Part 1 in this series on Thyroid and Iodine, Dr. Ruscio delves into the immense body of research available today on the topic. He goes into depth on what the research tells us on thyroid, hyposthyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity, why halogens might not be that important, and the importance of the Sodium/Iodide Symporter and the recommended lab tests for thyroid health and iodine sufficiency.
In this episode of Dr. Ruscio Rado, Dr. Ruscio discusses dietary interventions, prokeinetics, methane's relationship to obesity, and answers questions in Part 2 of this series on Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).
In this edition of Dr. Ruscio Radio, Dr. Ruscio discusses the symptoms, causes, testing, and treatment in Part 1 of this series on Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).
In this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio, Dr. Ruscio delves into the gut microbiota andhow it can affect weight loss and obesity. He looks at current research to see if we can determine risk factors for obesity, and if popular interventions actually work - ir ifthey are just hypotheses that didn't pain out in actual human research.