In an ideal world, we wouldn't need probiotics. However, today there are a number of factors that congeal to create a situation in which probiotics do seem to offer benefit for many. Here I describe the various factors that can result in an unbalanced gut and why this happens. Luckily there are things you can do to improve the health of your gut. Probiotics can play a supportive role in that.
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With a coronavirus vaccine and effective antivirals still a ways out in the future, how can we practice coronavirus prevention and best support ourselves if we get sick? In today’s podcast, I talk with Dr. Paul Anderson, naturopathic physician, about natural supplements that may help with coronavirus prevention and treatment.
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What’s the best test for SIBO, the glucose breath test, or the lactulose breath test? In today’s video, I share the results of a meta-analysis suggesting glucose breath testing is more accurate. I also discuss how to properly read a lactulose breath test to increase accuracy, and how much you should rely on breath testing for SIBO while improving your gut health.
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Knowing how long to stay on the Low-FODMAP diet is key to your success. You should be seeing Low-FODMAP results at three-to-four weeks, but you may need a few months before you see the full benefits. Learn how to decide how long to use the Low-FODMAP diet for IBS, SIBO, and other gut health conditions.
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Minimizing coronavirus spread is the key to safely reopening US society. Dr. Perlmutter shares how to prevent coronavirus spread, how the US is working toward herd immunity and safety, and how to encourage healthy immune function for coronavirus prevention.
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What is the most powerful method to overcome your thyroid symptoms? Treating the cause. Shockingly, many patients are told their thyroid is the problem when it is not. Amy struggled with thyroid medications for a year and a half and experienced no improvement. She was incorrectly labeled hypothyroid, so the meds didn’t work. Let’s discuss how you can double-check if your diagnosis is correct, and how simple gut therapies may treat the cause of your symptoms.
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Optimize your carb timing, sleep, and fasting for performance and body composition, and learn about antioxidants, peptides, and hydrogen-rich water with fitness expert Kris Gethin.
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Can you get enough probiotics from food? Yes for maintenance but likely not enough to have a clinical effect. Let's compare the number of probiotics contained in fermented foods vs. the amount in probiotic supplements.
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Healing mold illness and mold remediation doesn’t have to be difficult. Join me and Dr. Jill Crista as we discuss mold inspection and mold removal tips, the connection between mold toxicity and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and mold illness treatment options.
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Aimee Gallo is our new health coach. Learn more about Aimee’s health and fitness coaching background, and how she can help you improve your gut health and reach your health goals.
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Mold treatment and home assessment can get expensive and complicated really fast. In today’s podcast, Dr. Ami Kapadia shares her refreshingly simple approach to helping her mold patients recover.
In this episode, we cover: Which tests to use to identify a mold health problem. How to assess your home for mold, and how to choose an appropriate professional to help. A straightforward mold treatment approach.
If you or someone you love has been affected by mold or environmental illness, you won’t want to miss this episode.
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Tiffany, a Whole30 nutrition coach, read my book, Healthy Gut, Healthy You and found a lot to help her clients. She learned that:
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Our guest this week is James Maskell, author of "The Community Cure" and champion of making Functional Medicine affordable for all. One of the main discussion points that he brings to the table is that of community based treatment. When people come together in groups to work on their healing they are more successful, this model simultaneously solves a major symptom that is often overlooked, loneliness. He also discusses his website offering, which I think is actually a fantastic idea. You input data into a screening system and the screening helps direct you to the level of care requisite with your needs: health coach, nutritionist, functional medicine doctor, and also will save costs and improve efficiency.
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Rachel had tried probiotics from time to time but didn’t see any meaningful result. When her functional medicine doctor wanted to put her on antimicrobials for her IBS C symptoms, not her preference, she decided to give it one last try and took all three categories of probiotics together, as recommended in Healthy Gut Healthy You. She finally improved after years of suffering. While category two probiotics are known for helping IBS D symptoms, that does not mean they don’t help with IBS C.
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Dr. Tom Guilliams joins us to elaborate on his paper that was just published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine about “Dysbiosis or Adaptation: How Stable Is the Gut Microbiome?” In the interview, we discuss how the changes we see on a stool test may not be the cause of problems, but may instead be a symptom of a deeper underlying dysfunction. We agreed that what makes you feel best is likely the best approach for your gut, especially when it comes to bowel motility. Because the gut changes rapidly in response to diet and lifestyle influences, we also discuss how to best nurture an adaptable gut microbiome.
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Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) means taking the stool from a healthy donor and transplanting it into the colon of the host (a sick individual). There is excellent evidence to support the use of FMT for clostridium difficile and emerging evidence for the treatment of IBD. The data for IBS is still unclear. It’s best to try other therapies first.
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Aaron Alexander and I have a fascinating discussion about what happens to your mind and overall sense of being when your body is physically aligned. We touch on a few of the 5 movement principles from his book The Align Method that help develop a stronger body and sharper mind. Aaron does a great job of providing simple things that you can do, and actually framed in a quite attractive manner that can improve, as I'll share in the episode, hip mobility, shoulder mobility, and just keep your body more fluid, and also how that ties in with having a more fluid, flexible, present, and happy psyche.
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Dr. David Brady joins us to discuss some exciting developments in the way of testing for SARS CoV-2. Right now most testing for Coronavirus is occurring by way of major hospitals, Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory is changing that by offering serum testing to smaller institutions like general practitioners and alternative healthcare providers. In addition, at home stool testing kits will be made available for consumers. The more we know about who has the virus, who has had it, and who has developed immunity to it, the more quickly we can get people back to work and learn more about how this virus behaves in various individuals. We also discuss some natural agents, like vitamin C, melatonin, and quercetin, that may help to reduce the severity and duration of symptoms in some patients.
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The listener questions episodes have been really enjoyable and I hope you will continue to submit your questions. Chances are if you have the question, so do many more people in the audience. Keep them coming!
In this episode, I discuss answers to your questions about:
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In this episode, we speak with Dr. Joe Pizzorno, who is, in short, a founding father of the movement of natural medicine. We’ll be discussing environmental toxins.
There are a few, very interesting hypotheses Dr. Pizzorno puts forth. Environmental toxins have not really abated the way that there has been an improvement in sugar and calorie consumption, and this could be what's ultimately driving increases in a litany of diseases. In this one example, obesity and diabetes, which, according to his comments, are still going up, and what might be happening is these toxins are actually deranging the function of insulin receptors. So, a pretty interesting couple hypotheses, and some data to support it, that he puts forth.
He also gives a few simple ways of screening for toxins and opens the door into a simple method for detox therapy and also references two books that he’s written to give more advice here on the topic, one for a lay audience, and one for clinicians. So, really, a very interesting conversation today with Dr. Pizzorno.
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Dr. Tommy Woods brings some practical and pragmatic analysis to something otherwise confusing. The utility of gene testing (or lack there of). He helps to pick apart and debunk the case for gene testing in an evidenced-based way. We talk about risk, size, effect size, MTHFR, weight, and cardiovascular genetic testing.
The overall message is that gene testing does more harm than good. It causes worry and fear. And this has a negative impact because when you're told you have a bad gene or a bad polymorphism of a gene, this has a negative psychological ramification while offering no clinical or treatment benefit.
I’ve come across many patients who have wasted a lot of time, energy, and money, chasing down genetic testing to try and feel better and in my experience, basing treatment on genetics just never ends up being successful. This discussion is not about pointing fingers at practitioners or patients, everyone is doing their best with what they have, but more to educate people that there is not strong enough evidence to support the utility of these tests.
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I like to think of red light therapy, these devices that you can buy and use in your home, as a way of replacing the long-term exposure we should be having to natural sunlight (but don’t because of our predominantly indoor, sedentary lifestyle).
Even when we were hunter-gatherers outside in the shade, we were getting this long-term exposure to natural light. And that actually has a hormetic effect on our mitochondria, making them better able to produce antioxidants. This might be one of the key mechanisms as to why there has been documented such a litany of benefits to using a red light therapy device.
We’ll discuss best uses for red light therapy like anti-aging, exercise, inflammation, etc. and give you some protocol guidelines. Some of the research behind thyroid is absolutely staggering.
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This podcast episode reviews the research data that suggest that probiotics reduce the intensity and duration of upper respiratory infections. Because of this benefit, probiotics may support immune function during an illness.
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In today's episode, we are joined by Lenore Skenazy, author of Free-range Kids and started a foundation called Let Grow. We discussed this very important concept of anti-fragility which essentially means if we don't expose children to risk it can actually cripple their development. She discusses the pros and cons of sheltering children and brings to our attention some resources that are thankfully now available for parents, teachers, and school districts, to start moving back to an older way of approaching children's responsibility and safety. It seems that the media has instilled fear in parents and there has been a loss of balance as a result. These days it is common for parents not to let kids out of their sight for fear of kidnapping or abduction, however Lenore helps us understand that the statistics show that this is extremely rare. Kids need to take risks, get dirty, and try things on their own.
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