A large and very compelling study with over 200,000 participants suggests caution about taking acid-suppressing medication (proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers). The study found an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and upper gastrointestinal cancer. PPIs have been shown to heal gastric and duodenal ulcers when in short-term applications of 4-8 weeks. So, it’s important to keep an open mind about the potential benefits of these drugs. But I discourage you from taking acid-suppressing medications over the long term for reflux. There are several excellent alternatives for treating the root cause of reflux. These include dietary interventions and probiotics. In the long run, addressing the root cause of your reflux symptoms improves your overall health and reduces your risk of serious side effects from medication. https://drruscio.com/?p=49002
My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook/
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