Do you have questions about men’s health? Many times medicine focuses on women’s health and we know how men hate to go to the doctor! Dr. Ruscio has men covered with this episode as he interviews Dr. Geo Espinosa, Naturopathic Urologist, on all topics men’s health.
Were you disappointed you couldn’t make it to London for Dr. Ruscio’s recent Functional Medicine seminar? Well, don’t worry because this week, we bring you three of the best topics of the seminar!
Confused about the Autoimmune Paleo Diet? Not sure what foods to eat or not to eat? Think it’s impossible to do because it’s so strict? Mickey Trescott from joins us to answer those questions and more on this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio.
Dr. Ruscio is off this week teaching his London (re)Find Health Symposium. He didn’t want everyone who could not attend the seminar to miss out, so this week’s show is a recording of what he intends to present in London. Answering all your burning questions about the gut, thyroid and microbiota.
Confused about the treatment of gut and intracellular infections? We answer a listener question this week about treating Blasto, and h. pylori and when intracellular infections should be looked for.
Dr. Ruscio presented on The Gut; Diet, Flora, Health and Disease at the Ancestral Health Society's 2014 symposium at UC Berkeley. He reviews the impact hygiene has on our health, hunter gather versus westernized microbiotas and what the science actually says about manipulating our microbiotas with probiotics, prebiotics and fiber.
Are you currently pregnant or plan to become pregnant? If so, you won’t want to miss this episode with Dr. Jolene Brighten, ND. You’ll learn how the thyroid plays an integral role during pregnancy, in the development of the fetus and why autoimmunity can walk hand in hand with pregnancy.
Is your heart lacking a key nutrient? Dr. Ruscio welcomes back Jeffrey Moss, DDS, CNS, DACBN, founder of Moss Nutrition to discuss why potassium is so important and strategies to ensure you have adequate levels to support optimal health and wellness.
Confused about which diet is right for you? High carb, low carb, Atkins, Zone or Ornish? It can get pretty confusing out there! Dr. Christopher Gardner, nutrition researcher at Stanford University and author of the A to Z Weight Loss Trial study, breaks down what the research shows on this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio.
For this edition of Dr. Ruscio Radio, the Doc sits down with The Gluten Lie Author Alan Levinovitz PhD, for a thought-provoking talk about all-things gluten.
Do you suffer from chronic, relapsing SIBO or IBS? How about chronic pain or infertility? The answer could lie in addressing abdominal and pelvic adhesions using the Clear Passage Approach and Wurn Technique, a non-surgical drug-free treatment, developed by Larry & Belinda Wurn.
Can you manipulate your microbiota to lose weight? Is there a direct cause and effect between the microbiota and obesity? Let’s take a look at what the research really shows.
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, aka SIBO, is a common cause of digestive symptoms; gas, bloating, constipation/diarrhea, reflux and abdominal pain. It is also a common cause of IBS. This case reviews how you can become symptom free after treating SIBO. Also, and possibly more important, is that we do not always need to reach a “true negative” on the breath test to be symptom free and feeling great.
Dr. Ruscio interviews Susan Swithers, Ph.D., Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of Psychological Sciences College of Health and Human Sciences at Purdue University in this episode of the podcast. Dr. Swithers’ lab studies the effects of experience on the development of controls of ingestive behavior and body weight, recently focusing on artificial sweeteners.
In this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio, the doc and Susan discuss how stress can negatively impact your microbiota and what to do about it.
Dr. Ruscio and Susan delve deep into the topic of sleep in this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio. Too much sleep might be as detrimental as too little sleep.
In this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio, the doc and Susan answer a listener question about the timing and feasibility of gluten introduction in babies and children.
In this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio, the doc and Susan answer a listener question about the timing and feasibility of gluten introduction in babies and children.
In this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio, the doc takes a deep dive into the topic of diabetes with Dr. Mona Morstein. Dr. Morstein has been a naturopathic doctor for 24 years and is considered an expert on obesity, pre-diabetes/insulin resistance, and all types of diabetes.
In this episode, Dr. Ruscio introduces a condition called stomach autoimmunity and it’s effect on overall health and, in particular, thyroid autoimmunity. He also discusses a new treatment involving vitamin B12 shots that might be useful in the treatment of stomach autoimmunity.
Dr. Ruscio interviews Melissa Hartwig, co-creator of The Whole 30, in this episode of the podcast. Melissa specializes in helping people change their relationship with food and create life-long, healthy habits.
In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Ruscio interviews Dr. Allison Siebecker on Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Dr. Siebecker is the Medical Director of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at NCNM Clinic in Portland, OR, where she specializes in the treatment of SIBO.
The Doc interviews Mike T. Nelson in this episode of Dr. Ruscio Radio. They dig deep into the subject of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Dr. Mike T. Nelson has spent 18 years of his life learning how the human body works, specifically focusing on how to properly condition it to burn fat and become stronger, more flexible, and healthier.
Dr. Ruscio finishes tackling a listener question in the second part of this two part series on thyroid and weight loss. In this episode, he delves into how carbohydrate levels can affect thyroid function and weight loss.
Dr. Ruscio tackles a listener question in this first part of a two part series on thyroid and weight loss. He explains why lab values and ranges might not be the best way to evaluate thyroid function and how thyroid hormone can affect weight loss.