Immunoglobulins reside in the lining of your intestinal tract and help to bind, neutralize, and deactivate irritants and toxins in the gut. When your immune system and/or gut is compromised, it is helpful to supplement with immunoglobulins. This additional support helps to protect your immune system from getting triggered by these various irritants.
Research tells us that immunoglobulin supplementation can help those who struggle with SIBO, IBS, leaky gut, Histamine issues, H. Pylori, inflammation issues and more. They’ve been shown to benefit those who have tried many other therapies and failed to see results.
The best way to trial immunoglobulins is to start an initial assessment for 2-3 weeks. You may plateau around 8-9 weeks. Maintain the plateau for 1-2 months and attempt to wean off or find the minimal effective dose. They can also be used when in a flare.
Good news for vegetarians, there are egg-derived immunoglobulins available.
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