Sometimes foods we think are healthy actually harm us. High FODMAP foods are a good example, as they can be harmful for those with IBS and IBD. High oxalate foods can also be a problem and are contained in some seemingly healthy foods. Today we dig into the details regarding oxalates with Sally Norton, who is an authority on this topic.
What do you get when a functional medicine doctor creates a clean pre and post workout supplement line? Well, first you get a good story as to how shady supplement companies can be in trying to add in non-healthy fillers. Second, you get the line that Dr. Gustin has created. Add a few drinks and the funny guys from Mind Pump (Sal, Andrew, and Justin) to this interview and you’ve got one heck of a show! Enjoy!
Today Dr. Leonard Weinstock is back to discuss all things constipation. We go way beyond magnesium, fiber, and vitamin C. This episode digs into what you can do for constipation if some of the basics fail, from the perspective of a practicing holistic MD gastroenterologist.
Today the crew from Mind Pump (Sal, Adam, and Justin) come on the show to discuss dietary and exercise strategies for optimum body composition. This episode was not only funny but very informative, especially if you are struggling to lose that last few pounds.
Health news reviews. Today let’s discuss updates on;
What should you do when you’ve done everything for your constipation but nothing has worked? First, we have to better understand what type of constipation you have, then select from the advanced therapies for your constipation type. These therapies go beyond fiber, probiotics, magnesium, and herbal laxatives. Today I speak with clinician and researcher Dr. Satish Rao to help you understand how to overcome your constipation once and for all.
Today I speak with Dr. Lo about female hormone health. We detail what causes female hormone imbalances, testing to quantify imbalances, and what the available treatment options are.
Today I speak with vegetarian diet advocate Kristie Middleton. I think many of us criticize, or are not welcoming of, a plant-based diet. However, in my continued attempts to be objective, I wanted to give someone from this dietary camp a chance to make their argument.
Today we will cover listener questions, which include antioxidants, gene-tailored diets, joint pain and gut health, hydrogen sulfide SIBO, probiotics during a hospital stay, and more…
What do you do if you fear eating off-plan food or you can’t go a day without supplements? Or, alternatively, if you can’t seem to make any healthy changes stick? You may need to reexamine your relationship with food and health. Today we speak with Kevin Geary, who has developed a great program to help you self-assess where this might be coming from and, more importantly, what you can do to overcome it.
Another edition of Health News Updates! Today we discuss:
Today Ben Greenfield is back to discuss methods for preventing overtraining and adrenal fatigue. He shares some valuable tips and insights on how to both monitor for overtraining and techniques to maximize performance.
Let’s jump into another edition of Health News Reviews! Today we will discuss gluten and brain fog, stomach autoimmunity, ketogenic diets and performance, probiotics and depression, probiotics and diabetes, sun exposure and gluten intolerance, and more…
SIBO breath testing can be an incredibly valuable tool for those suffering with gas, bloating, abdominal pain, loose stools, and/or constipation. However, there is debate on what the best test is and how to interpret the test results. Today Dr. Allison Siebecker and I discuss the new North American Consensus statement regarding SIBO breath testing. We also discuss an upcoming SIBO summit Dr. Siebecker is organizing.
Today let’s dig into the mail bag with listener questions. Here is what we’ll cover: The massive difference between saying “the evidence shows” versus “there is evidence showing”; Are vegetarian diets really best for rheumatoid arthritis?; Addressing criticism of my ‘cost effective functional medicine’ approach; Can your stool test results help you determine the probiotic for your gut?; Thoughts on the best stool testing; What to do for bad breath; What to do if your vitamin D levels are always low; Testing for nutrient deficiencies.
I recently went down to San Jose and did an interview with the guys from Mind Pump Media. We had a very candid conversation about the health and the exercise industry. We then jumped around different topics regarding the gut and thyroid. They are a fun group and this should be a very enjoyable read or listen!
Another episode of listener questions! Today we will discuss a smart phone app to fine tune your diet, iodine & goitrogens, SIBO & H. Pylori, T3 levels, gluten avoidance, and more. I will also provide some updates on the book and answer questions from a recent lecture I gave for the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.
The health of your gut has a massive impact on the health of your brain. Today we speak with doctor and author David Pelmutter to elaborate on this connection and expand upon strategies for optimizing your brain health.
Today I spoke with Dr. Susan Blum on her 4-component plan for healing autoimmunity. We emphasize the importance of gut health, of course, but also get into an interesting debate regarding what type of diet is best for autoimmunity. We also cover the importance of stress and toxins.
Here we go with Health News Updates - Episode 2. Today we will discuss: the thyroid-SIBO connection, probiotics and H. Pylori, vitamin D and fatigue, iodine and thyroid autoimmunity, CoQ10 and fatigue, viruses and hypothyroid, and more…
Today I spoke with Dr. Jill Carnahan and we had a great conversation about mold, mycotoxins, and CIRS (chronic immune response syndrome). Oftentimes this topic is made out to be overly complicated, but today’s conversation pierced through to the practical core on this issue. This is an important topic to be aware of for those who have not responded to other therapies.
What do you do if nothing has worked to fix your gut? One option is to get a new gut microbiota. A fecal transplant is a technique wherein you can replace your gut bacteria with the gut bacteria of a healthy donor. Today we speak with a pioneer in fecal transplant therapy, Glenn Taylor of the Taymount clinic.
Today we speak with co-founder of Paleo f(x), Keith Norris. I like to call Paleo (f)x the spring break of health conferences, where you binge on an assortment of health and wellness information. In today’s podcast we discuss important aspects of the paleo movement. We also delve into some interesting tangents, like women and carbs, and exciting new technologies that can help improve your health.
Today I would like to try something a little different. This podcast will contain a brief summary of the most important research that has been published over the last few weeks. We will cover some important updates regarding SIBO, vitamin D, thyroid autoimmunity, probiotics, gluten-free diets, ulcerative colitis, autoimmunity, heart disease, and leaky gut.
My good friend and best-selling author, Robb Wolf, is back on the podcast to discuss his new book entitled Wired to Eat. Robb lays out a great holistic plan to find a personalized diet that is right for you. We also tackle some interesting aspects of a healthy relationship with food, “cheating,” and finding one’s ideal carb intake.