Three main types of symptoms typically occur in mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS): allergic, inflammatory, and growth abnormality symptoms, which can affect different organs in the body. Lyme disease, Bartonella, and other tick-borne (and insect/animal-transmitted) illnesses can influence, trigger, or mimic the symptoms of MCAS. It’s important to consider that these conditions may or may not overlap. Lab testing can help identify inflammation markers or specific infections. Treatments, from herbal to antibiotic, vary based on individual need. A person with MCAS may need to introduce one variable at a time in treatment, as they can be highly reactive. Paying attention to diet can also be a foundational step to moderate one’s condition.
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Neural pathways that form the brain to gut connections can be damaged as a result of a concussion or other traumatic injury. For some patients whose symptoms don’t fully resolve with gut therapies, new treatments that stimulate neural pathways may be helpful. Functional neurology is an area of clinical practice that opens a window onto brain-based problems and provides some novel therapies. Today we talk about diagnostic clues for detecting a brain-to-gut problem and we explore electroceuticals, a new category of therapies that stimulate specific neural pathways with electricity.
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Often people try a few store-bought, random probiotics to help their gut, thinking they are all the same. Then they conclude that either they don’t work, or that they don’t tolerate them. Unfortunately, this can miss some of the most widely-studied effective classes of probiotics: a lactobacillus-bifidobacterium blend, S. boulardii, and soil-based probiotics. Phyllis, a patient, tried the random approach first and didn’t tolerate them. Then she tried the Healthy Gut, Healthy You probiotic protocol which brought in each of these three classes, one at a time. With this optimal group of three, she is seeing better digestion, including better bowel movements and more regularity. If you haven’t had success with probiotics, consider this protocol.
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Bloating may be largely ignored by most doctors, but this uncomfortable symptom is common and deserves more attention. Dr. Peter Whorwell, a specialist clinician and researcher, shares his insights into bloating and reveals some surprising facts. Why do only half of the patients with bloating pain show signs of abdominal swelling? What is a bloatometer? How is bloating with constipation different from bloating with diarrhea? When is bloating a sign of a more serious disease? What are the most current treatments? Join us for a detailed look at this important topic.
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Sometimes a trauma, whether physical or emotional, can push your limbic system into a “stuck” state of fight or flight. This can lead to a host of issues, from chemical hypersensitivities or fibromyalgia to IBS or survival-related emotional states. To restore your limbic system balance, one approach comes in the form of a neural retraining program. This system targets negative triggers through conscious awareness, guided visualization, exposure therapy, the pursuit of positive emotions, and other guided protocols. If your symptoms seem aligned with this condition, you may want to consider such a program.
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An important contributing factor to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a food poisoning incident (and subsequent antibodies to a toxin called cytolethal distending toxin B, or CdtB). CdtB looks like a protein made by the body and can trigger autoimmunity that disrupts motility in the intestines. Dr. Mark Pimentel and his colleagues developed a blood test that tests for these antibodies, called IBS-smart. This blood test can be ordered by your doctor as a first-step to screen for IBS. It is designed to be covered by insurance. If you’re suffering from IBS-like symptoms, this test may save you time and money by verifying your IBS. As well, your level of antibodies (if present) can help inform you as to the severity of your condition and may inform treatment.
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The connection between the gut and brain is powerful, and often not realized by the general public. When Dr. Aleksandra Gioe was faced with severe anxiety, she tried natural solutions like chamomile tea and holy basil. But these supplements didn’t address the more profound roots of her condition: gut inflammation. She also was suffering from bloating and chronic hives but didn’t link these with her anxiety. After just beginning the protocol from Healthy Gut, Healthy You, most notably the low FODMAP diet and probiotic protocol, she has seen an 80% reduction in all of her symptoms. Other patients have seen a reduction in symptoms like brain fog and depression from treating their gut dysbiosis.
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Intermittent fasting (or time-restricted feeding) is a method of limiting the time window you eat each day to a consistent number of hours and a consistent time each day. Between 8-10 hours of eating window is considered optimal in humans, which leaves 14-16 hours for your body to fast. This period allows your organs a break from digesting so they can heal. This can reduce leaky gut and improve blood sugar and blood pressure. Early studies showed that genetically identical mice fed the same number of calories became unhealthy when allowed to “free feed” (eat at any time) but lost weight when their feeding hours were restricted. Studies on humans have shown the same response. As a general rule of thumb, stay within a 10-hour eating window for at least 12 weeks to see best results, and stop eating at least 2-3 hours before sleeping.
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In recent times, some types of genetic testing, like both diagnostic and predictive testing, have become more popular. These tests offer the potential to identify whether a current health condition might be affected by your genes, or whether you have a higher likelihood of developing certain conditions. Although these tests can offer some insights—such as whether your genes are processing glutamate well or producing too much or little estrogen—their predictive abilities should still be taken with a grain of salt. The science is still new and the effect of a few genes on an entire body is complex and not entirely understood. Likelihoods and probabilities are not certainties. In many cases, a traditional method of treatment and tailoring based on individual response can still be the best course of action. However, if you are facing a complex health condition, genetic testing may help shed additional light on your case.
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Mitochondria are organelles, or “small bodies”, within your cells responsible for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the body. If mitochondria aren’t functioning properly, your cells aren’t fed. Some contributors to mitochondrial damage include environmental toxins like Roundup in food, poor diet that includes refined carbohydrates and added sugars, and even too many nutrients overall. The result could be inflammation, and other conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, infertility, or neural degeneration. To restore optimal function, consider a regimen that avoids packaged, processed foods and incorporates polyphenols and heart health supplements. As well, incorporate light exercise and proper breathing.
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A 25,000 person study shows that vitamin D supplementation does not reduce the incidence of cancer or cardiovascular disease versus a placebo. However, sun exposure has been tightly correlated with reduction in certain cancers as well as cardiovascular disease. Aim to get outside for 15 minutes with no sunblock, at least three times a week, to reap these benefits. See Healthy Gut, Healthy You for more specific dosage guidelines and considerations for your specific vitamin D level.
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Sometimes the limbic brain can become stuck in a negative cycle conditioned by trauma or stress. When this happens, mysterious conditions like chronic illness and gut imbalances can take hold in the body. Symptoms can include, but are not limited to, bloating, headaches, and an inability to relax, but also more severe symptoms like chronic fatigue, IBS, inflammation, or chronic pain. To break the cycle and restore homeostasis, extended meditation is highly recommended. As well, an anti-inflammatory diet, restorative sleep, and exercise can help. Guided protocols and tools are available for more severe circumstances.
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The recent DIETFITS study explored how well people would do on a low-carb vs. a low-fat diet, based on genotype or the way they secrete insulin. The results of the study didn’t reveal a link with genotype pattern or insulin. But they showed roughly equal weight-loss success for participants on both diets. Notably, the study forbid participants in both diets to eat added sugar or refined grain, and encouraged both groups to eat copious vegetables. More than whether your diet is high-fat or low-fat, it seems that high-quality whole foods are a critical factor in healthy weight loss.
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The GA-map test looks for signs of gut dysbiosis (or imbalance of your gut microbiome). This test is closest, clinically, to mapping the gut microbiota. European researchers sequenced the gut bacteria from healthy individuals and bacterial profiles from individuals with IBS and IBD. Then they compared the two, identifying bacterial “targets” that varied between healthy and IBS/IBD populations. If you were to take the test, you could get a dysbiosis index (or rating) from one to five, indicating how healthy or out of balance your gut was. One study used the GA-map to analyze the effects of diet on the microbiota. They noted that the low FODMAP diet markedly impacts the microbiome. In the future, your functional medicine doctor might use your dysbiosis index score to assess what treatments or diets to recommend. In the present, following a gut health algorithm and looking for symptomatic improvement is still a great option.
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A handful of studies studying the effects of probiotics may be taken out of context. One study on Align probiotic (a Bifidobacterium infantis strain) showed that a few healthy people who took it for several weeks tested positive for methane on a SIBO lactulose breath test. No significant change in symptoms was noted, most likely indicating only that the probiotics had transiently built up in their digestive systems. The vast majority of evidence indicates that probiotics crowd out harmful bacteria without colonizing your gut. They are worth seriously considering to fight SIBO, fungal overgrowth, and leaky gut, and lessen many digestive symptoms.
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The thoughts we have can help shape our health and even our career success. Running one’s own business can be a rollercoaster. It can also teach important life lessons about values, beliefs, and persistence. Having (or adopting) a growth mindset can be a key element of learning and ultimately succeeding. Consider the impact of your identity and use your drives to your advantage. Tap into virtual mentors. Everyone’s entrepreneurial journey is different, but you may learn useful lessons about what it takes—especially in the health field—in today’s podcast.
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A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (or similar degenerative neurological conditions) is devastating, as so far no cure exists. However, recent studies into the condition show that the amyloid plaque responsible for Alzheimer’s symptoms may form as a protective mechanism against other threats to the body. Promising research into the disease shows the possibility of prevention and even reversal of cognitive decline. There may be multiple risk factors for Alzheimer’s, such as chronic inflammation, chronic infections, tick-borne illnesses, the presence of the ApoE4 gene, mold or heavy metals toxicity, hormone changes, and others. Getting a “cognoscopy” at age 45 could give early warning indicators. Prevention protocols may vary widely amongst individuals. Some foundational tips include inducing mild ketosis, sleeping well, reducing stress, exercising, and treating underlying conditions.
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The ketogenic (or keto) diet emphasizes high fat, low carbohydrates, and medium protein intake. In some studies, the keto diet has been shown to benefit sufferers of epilepsy, insulin regulation, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, glioblastoma, and more. One common misconception is that you must be on the diet forever for it to be valuable. Beginners to the diet may want to start slow, replacing some of their carb intake with healthy fats. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine have lessons to offer about the value of herbs, synergistic effects, and the overall body environment. On any diet, whether paleo, keto, Mediterranean, or another type, it’s important to emphasize high-quality whole foods.
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Symptoms from Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can be a challenging part of many women’s monthly cycles. Two recent studies on adolescents show that vitamin D can be a safe and effective method for reducing these symptoms, lessening anxiety, irritability, sadness, cramps, and other associated issues. These benefits were not gained by the placebo group. Gut health and non-hormonal herbal supplements are other avenues to consider if your vitamin D levels are already optimal.
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When considering your options for anti-aging treatments for skin or hair loss therapy, know that individuals respond differently to different treatments. Together with your doctor, you’ll want to consider the possible causes of your hair loss or skin health to determine the best course of action. Some of the main drugs on the market like Rogaine (minoxidil), which stimulates blood flow to hair follicles, and Propecia (finasteride), an oral dihydrotestosterone (DHT) blocker, are designed to treat the most common cause of hair loss in men and women, androgenetic alopecia. However, causes may not be as clear-cut for all women. PRP injections, dermarolling, low-level light therapy and stem cells offer fairly natural ways to stimulate your body’s own healing responses, for skin rejuvenation and hair loss reversal. No magic bullet exists, but these therapies may also be used in combination, potentially yielding synergistic, better results.
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Artificial light and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are an inescapable reality of city environments. Rather than sleeping when the sunlight tells us to, we alter our circadian rhythms with electric light, sometimes at the expense of our immune system and sleep quality. Artificial lights that mimic the sun may provide a more natural environment for our bodies. EMFs emanating from our devices may generate heat, disrupt melatonin and even cause mechanical vibration of cell membranes. Ways to lessen EMF exposure include putting your phone into airplane mode while sleeping, keeping it away from your body, and avoiding the use of your laptop on your lap. Checking your home with an EMF detector may also reveal external sources, which you can block while you sleep using some forms of shielding.
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When women enter perimenopause and menopause, estrogen declines and other female hormonal cycles shift. Even younger women can experience female hormone imbalances. Managing gut health differently can be one foundational piece to restoring balance. Gluconeogenesis (using glucose for fuel) is an estrogen-dependent process, so a diet that uses ketones can be beneficial in the midst of hormonal changes. Expert Dr. Anna Cabeca’s patients have seen success with a combination of a ketogenic-alkaline diet, lifestyle, and, in some cases, supplements. Other factors may skew balance and are worth looking into, like stress, lack of vitamin D, inflammation, and food or toxin sensitivities.
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It can be frustrating if you’ve followed all the right advice on being healthy, and your gut and hormones are still acting up. Daffnee was in great physical shape, with several exercise classes a week, on the paleo diet, sleeping well, and taking birth control. Her existing IBS and celiac were under control. But her gut health was mysteriously declining, giving her bloating, brain fog, fatigue and more. When she began following steps from the Healthy Gut, Healthy You protocol, like targeted probiotics and adrenal support, she started feeling healthy and energetic again. She was able to support her hormones better too, and successfully transitioned off 10 years of birth control with no side effects.
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Parasites were once a trendy topic to discuss in gut health, now small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a buzzword. Both still play a real role and should be considered if you are struggling with dysbiosis, inflammation, or other chronic conditions. Parasites may fuel changes in the microbiome, but can also take advantage of an already compromised gut. Holistic solutions and supporting the gut terrain are key. Frank pathogens should always be treated. Testing and treatment options are advancing, but still imperfect, so diagnoses and protocols still rely on a medical professional’s best judgment.
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Today we will cover listener questions, which include: Nigella Sativa for Hashimoto’s; Can inflammation interfere with synthetic hormone absorption; Can eliminating reactive foods cause withdrawal symptoms; Alkalized Water; Is there a correlation between diet and predominant microbes; and Probiotics for SIBO.
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